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Baha'i, Spiritual, Religion, Hope,
Faith, Truth, Mindful, Purpose, Awareness, Seeking

Road Trip Home - REVIEWS

Star Reviews


Wow. This was a fascinating book. I’m curious—was this based on a true story? Was there a Rose? She is a multi-dimensional and fascinating character. The question and answer sessions between the two characters on their long journey to Oregon worked well to showcase a new religion. It reminded me of the works of Plato. The dialogues between Socrates and Plato in finding truth and spirituality are written similarly. This novel led me to research the religion of Bahá’í which is the whole point. Great job…. ~MS


A Road Trip Home: A Baha’i Vision of Hope by Steven Ellis is a story with spiritual lessons within. Grayson and his friend Rose go on a ten day journey together from Alaska to Oregon where Rose tells the narrator a story of spiritual lessons and answers his questions.

This book reminded me of the Celestine Prophecy series in that it used a story to tell spiritual principles in this case the beliefs of the Baha’i religion. I liked this book as it introduced me to a religion and its beliefs that I had heard very little of before this book.

I liked that the narrator asked questions along the way. This is a book that I would recommend taking somewhat slowly so as to absorb what is being said more fully and contemplating it to see if it feels true for you. You could also take this book as just a story for entertainment but it is more than that.

I would recommend this book to anyone interested in learning about the Baha'i Faith or anyone interested in religions in general.

I acknowledge that I received this book free of charge from NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for my honest and unbiased opinion of it.


I just finished it tonight. I was going to save it for the plane trip but got totally engaged with the ideas and story once I started it. It is a very accessible introduction to the Baha’i Spiritual Principles and a beautiful vision for the future. Thanks for sharing it with me. ~MM

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